Coventry Bass anglers Tournament Rules
(adopted 2015 and part of bylaws)
* All rules currently in CBA bylaws apply to all club tournaments.
* Ponds are off limits to all fishing and boating by all tournament participants the previous Wednesday @ Midnight.
* Livewells : all boats must have an aerated livewell system capable of supporting 10 fish.
* Registration: Each angler must check in before start time and have inspection of livewells / boat by tournament official. No boat will launch until inspection is complete. 1 warning per year granted for early launch. After that angler is disqualified from current tournament.
*Boats must comply with all RI laws and use of a wearable flotation device while motor is running is required during tournament fishing hours.
*Sportsman ship: All CBA members and their guests are expected to exhibit high standards of sportsman ship at all times before, during and after the tournament.
*Tackle & Equipment : Only artificial lures may be used with the exception of prepared pork rinds. Only one line may be in the water at one time per angler for the purpose of catching fish. Trolling is not allowed and will disqualify an angler.
* Scoring: Tournament standings will be based on the total weight of legal (12”) size largemouth & smallmouth bass not to exceed 5 fish per angler. Altering any fish by any means will disqualify an angler or team’s entire catch. In case of a tie the first tie breaker is # of fish caught the second is biggest fish. A courtesy measurement must be requested before fish is measured and only one per weigh in. The smallest fish and any questionable fish will be measured from every catch. The “The Golden Rule” will be the official measuring devise. Mouth closed and tail fanned as needed is measurement method to be used.
* Penalties: Late arrivals back to the weigh in site will result in disqualification of boats entire catch. (Common sense will prevail and tournament committee discretion is relied upon) Exceptions will be made for mechanical breakdown providing all efforts have been made to be on time. Notify tournament official of any mechanical problems prior to late arrival if possible. Exceptions made at tournament committee’s discretion on individual basis.
The tournament committee will consist of 4 of the following in order listed as available. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Weighmaster, Assistant Weighmaster. In the event a member of the Tournament committee is the subject of the discussion at hand he will be recused from his role on the committee for this decision. Any member of the board can and will check livewell’s/boats before launch as available to do so. Members cannot check their own boats or a boat that they will be fishing off of.
Dead fish will have a penalty of ¼ lb. (.25 lb.) per fish. Lunker must be alive during weigh in to be considered for lunker awards.
* Flights: All boats must completely pass the take-off boat in the flight order assigned to begin their tournament competition. If problem arises with this procedure (ie: not remembering flight #) the boat must notify flight boat of problem and wait within 50 ft. of take-off boat until all boats and the take-off boat has departed before fishing or getting under way begins. Failure to pass flight boat or adhere to flight rules will result in disqualification of the boat’s entire catch.
* Exceptions: Any exceptions to tournament rules must be discussed and then voted on at the meeting prior to the tournament in question and be a majority vote of the members in attendance of that meeting. Exceptions are considered on a case by case basis and good only for the tournament in question. Any exceptions will be announced within 3 days of the vote via email.