2021 Coventry Bass Anglers By-Laws
1. The dues for all active members 16 years and older shall be $70.00(dues), $20(TOC), $10(Lunker) Totaling $100.00 annually. A member of the club wishing to bring a new member in to the club must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 1 year.
New members: New members completed paper applications will be presented to the body of returning members for consideration at the annual meeting by their existing club sponsor (only current club members will attend the annual club meeting) (existing club member in good standing for at least 1 year). Sponsor will offer his reason for sponsoring this new potential member and bring potential member to the next regular meeting for consideration and a vote to become a new member. All new members will be considered provisional members for the first year and then invited to return (by letter or email) as a full member the next year after receiving a 75% positive vote by the body of full members. (The vote will be a closed ballot and verified by the board for accuracy). (To take effect 02-01-2021)
Associate Member: $35.00 annual fee to fish only the point tournaments. All associates must be voted in by majority and will have no voting privileges. Associates must fish either with an active member or alone on their own boat. The club reserves the right to refuse membership. Associate membership is capped at 6 per year. Active members shall take president over associates on tournament participation. Associate members (unless returning former member or family member of an active member) may fish in the club for a one-year trial. After which, the associate member must decide to either join the club as a full member for the following year or withdraw club membership. An associate member or a guest will pay $20.00 fee per tournament fished. The proceeds of which are broken down as follows: $10.00 to 1st place and $5.00 to 2nd place and $5.00 Lunker.
Optional Dues: $20.00 for the end of the year T.O.C. in which you must qualify (see bylaw 20). $10.00 Lunker Pool.
Current members catch cannot count for lunker until lunker pool is paid.
New members can join lunker pool but must pay before their first tournament.
All Dues (annual or optional) must be paid prior to the April meeting. Any person paying after the March meeting is subject to a $25.00 late fee.
2.There shall be a closed membership on active members when membership reaches 20 persons.
3. All voting for new members will be done at a regular club meeting.
4. Invited guests will be permitted to fish only with a club member. Guests may only fish 3 tournaments in any one season. Invited guests are considered social guests of current members for the purpose of recreational fishing of experiencing the CBA tournament organization for the future consideration. Current members bringing a guest for the sole purpose of financial gain is frowned upon. The board reserves the right to refuse any guest at any time.
5. All tournaments will start at times per permits as scheduled. This does not preclude a participant from starting late, so long as they pay the entry fee and have their livewell checked by a board member prior to their start. Note: When circumstances dictate, the ending time of any tournament may be extended if unanimously approved by the participants in the tournament and within permit.
A) Any team, boat or person failing to comply with the specific ending time of any tournament WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THAT DAY’S TOURNAMENT, COMMON SENSE WILL PREVAIL. However, that day’s tournament fee will not be refunded and remain in the tournament pool.
B) The exception to refunding entry fees would occur if the majority of the participates elect to quit for the day due to inclement weather/adverse conditions.
C) See Tournament Rules Adopted 2015 for further clarification
6. Upon mutual agreement between persons, boat or team, the award money can be split.
7. Anyone fishing from a participant’s boat during the course of any tournament will be required to pay the daily tournament fee.
A) No boat will have more than 2 persons on board during the course of a tournament unless an emergency is deemed by at least 2 board members.
B) Only Largemouth and Smallmouth bass of legal length will be accepted at the weigh-in. The weighmaster will measure the smallest fish of each participant (or team) in every tournament. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that the fish he/she brings to scale are of legal size. Should a fish be brought to scale deemed less than legal length by the official weighmaster, the catch of that participant (or team) will be disqualified.
C) An official keeper-counter, kept by the weighmaster, will be available to all participants at the weigh-in site, for the purpose of checking a fish of questionable length (closed mouth to open tail). Remember you can only possess what the state allows.
D) The weighmaster and the assistant weighmaster are the only people allowed to weigh fish. Each participant will be required to empty their bag into a basket and the weighmaster will handle the fish to the scale. After the contestants’ fish have been weighed, the assistant weighmaster will return the fish to the basket for the participant to release the fish.
E) Only artificial baits may be used during the course of a tournament. No live or prepared baits are permitted, with the exception of pork strips, rinds, etc.. The use of live or prepared baits other than those specified will constitute grounds for disqualification. No artificial or natural chum is permitted.
F) All fish caught, which are brought to the scales, must be kept in an aerated live well.
G) A 4oz. penalty will be assessed for each dead fish brought to the scale. The total penalty will be deducted from the participants days catch.
H) There will be no culling of a dead fish. A fish will be deemed dead after a reasonable period of resuscitation or the fish cannot swim away on its own power.
I) Clean up at the ramp site will be done at the conclusion of the weigh-in. All live wells are to be thoroughly cleaned with a vinegar and water solution before the next tournament.
8. The greatest total weight of the participants catch will determine 1st Place and the second greatest weight will determine 2nd Place. Prize money will be split 70/30% respectively. For guests and associates that fish a tournament, any payouts will be based only on the funds derived from full members that are present for that tournament.
A) An additional $5.00 per tournament must be collected from every individual participant before the official start of the event. The two members that are to launch last (who also call flights that day) are to collect/hold/ and pay out all lunker monies at the conclusion of the tournament.
9. The following system will be used to determine the awards standings for the end of the year:
A) The weight of each members catch for the year (based on cumulative total weight of fish caught) will determine each member’s place in the final standings.
B) Only the weight recorded for the participants best 9 out of 12 tournaments will be used to total cumulative weight.
C) Ties in the standings for an official tournament and for the end of the year standings will be resolved in the following fashion:
1. First tie breaker will be the number of fish caught.
2. Second tie breaker will be the largest fish caught.
10. There will be 12 official tournaments each year.
11. Awards at the end of the year will consist of:
A) Lunker Award
B) 1st Place
C) 2nd Place
D) 3rd Place
12. There will be an annual meeting held on Super Bowl Sunday of each year at 1:00 P.M. Each year at the annual meeting, a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will be voted on. A member can run for and be elected to an office for as many successive terms as he/she wishes. The 3 board members will be for a period of 2years, at which an election of board members will be held.
13. Regular club meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month from March until November. Special meetings may be held as necessary.
14. The clubs rules committee will consist of the 7 officials, both executive and board members.
A) Any changes in the club’s rules / bylaws will be voted upon by the entire rules committee. If the changes proposed by the body at the annual meeting and only if 75% of the attending body feels that the changes are needed.
15. Any member caught cheating during the course of any tournament will be dismissed from the club without refunding any dues.
16. All participants, without exception, will launch from the designated launch site. This site will also be the weigh-in site. (Special exception can be granted on a case-by-case basis per 75% positive vote at the previous meeting to the tournament and is only active for that tournament in question).
17. Should the club be dissolved; all treasury monies will be distributed equally among all active members.
18. Tournament fees are: Pay as you go the day of the tournament. $20
19. All fishing licenses must be shown to the rules chairman and recorded by the secretary prior to the April meeting.
20. The Coventry Bass Anglers Annual Fish Off (TOC) Rules are:
A) An eligible contender is defined as an active member that has paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
B) An ineligible contender is defined as a full member that has not paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
C) An eligible contender must first fish at least 6 club tournaments to be considered to fish the TOC throughout the following criteria explained in 20-D and 20-E.
D) An automatic bid to the TOC is awarded to an eligible contender if they should win any scheduled point tournament throughout the current year.
E) A field of 12 is selected from the automatic bids, all of the other anglers who are eligible contenders from 1st Place on down the full field of 12. If an odd number of anglers exists, the tournament will be 5 fish per boat and odd man fishes alone on boat.
F) In the event that an ineligible contender happens to win a point tournament, the automatic bid into the TOC from that particular tournament will be selected from the first eligible that places after any ineligible contender.
G) There will be 6 teams with 6 boaters / 6 riders. Partners will be chosen in the following manner. Angler in 1st Place will pick by blind draw from anglers 7th—12th, 2nd Place angler will pick from blind draw of remaining 7th—12th anglers and so on until 6 teams are created.
Coventry Bass Anglers Tournament Rules
All rules currently in CBA apply to all club tournaments.
There are no off limits for prefishing before club tournaments.
Livewells: all boats must have an aerated livewell system capable of supporting 10 fish.
Registration: Each angler must check in before start time and have inspection of livewells / boat by tournament official. No boat will launch until inspection is complete. 1 warning per year granted for early launch. After that angler is disqualified from current tournament.
Boats must comply with all RI Laws and use of a wearable flotation device (life jacket) while motor is running is required during tournament fishing hours.
Sportsmanship: All CBA members and their guests are expected to exhibit high standards of sportsmanship at all times before, during and after the tournament.
Tackle & Equipment: Only artificial lures may be used with the exception of prepared pork rinds. Only one line may be in the water at one time per angler for the purpose of catching fish. Trolling is NOT allowed and will disqualify an angler.
Scoring: Tournament standings will be based on the total weight of legal (12”) size largemouth & smallmouth bass not to exceed 5 fish per angler. Altering any fish by any means will disqualify an angler or teams’ entire catch. In case of a tie, the first tie breaker is # of fish caught the second is biggest fish. A courtesy measurement must be requested before fish is measured and the only one per weigh-in. The smallest fish and any questionable fish will be measured from every catch. The “The Golden Rule” will be the official measuring device. Mouth closed and tail fanned as needed is measurement method to be used.
Penalties: Late arrivals back to the weigh-in site will result in disqualification of boats entire catch. (Common sense will prevail and tournament committee discretion is replied upon) Exceptions will be made for mechanical breakdown providing all efforts have been made to be on time. Notify tournament official of any mechanical problems prior to late arrival if possible. Exceptions made at tournament committees’ discretion.
The tournament committee will consist of 4 of the following in order listed as available. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Weighmaster, Assistant Weighmaster. In the event a member of the Tournament committee is the subject of the discussion at hand he will be recused from his role on the committee for this decision. Any member of the board can and will check livewells / boat before launch. Members cannot check their own boats or a boat that they will be fishing from.
Dead fish will have a penalty of 1/4lb. (.25lb.) per fish. Lunker must be alive during weigh-in to be considered for lunker awards.
Flights: All boats must completely pass the take-off boat in the flight order assigned to begin their tournament competition. If problem arises with this procedure (i.e.: not remembering flight #) the boat must notify flight boat of problem and wait within 50ft. of take-off boat until all boats and the take-off boat has departed before fishing or getting under way begins. Failure to pass flight boat or adhere to flight rules will result in disqualification of the boats entire catch.
Any exceptions to tournament rules must be discussed and then voted on at the meeting prior to the tournament in question and be a majority vote of the members in attendance of that meeting. Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis and good only for the tournament in question. Any exceptions will be announced within 3 days of the vote via email.
2021 Coventry Bass Anglers By-Laws
1. The dues for all active members 16 years and older shall be $70.00(dues), $20(TOC), $10(Lunker) Totaling $100.00 annually. A member of the club wishing to bring a new member in to the club must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 1 year.
New members: New members completed paper applications will be presented to the body of returning members for consideration at the annual meeting by their existing club sponsor (only current club members will attend the annual club meeting) (existing club member in good standing for at least 1 year). Sponsor will offer his reason for sponsoring this new potential member and bring potential member to the next regular meeting for consideration and a vote to become a new member. All new members will be considered provisional members for the first year and then invited to return (by letter or email) as a full member the next year after receiving a 75% positive vote by the body of full members. (The vote will be a closed ballot and verified by the board for accuracy). (To take effect 02-01-2021)
Associate Member: $35.00 annual fee to fish only the point tournaments. All associates must be voted in by majority and will have no voting privileges. Associates must fish either with an active member or alone on their own boat. The club reserves the right to refuse membership. Associate membership is capped at 6 per year. Active members shall take president over associates on tournament participation. Associate members (unless returning former member or family member of an active member) may fish in the club for a one-year trial. After which, the associate member must decide to either join the club as a full member for the following year or withdraw club membership. An associate member or a guest will pay $20.00 fee per tournament fished. The proceeds of which are broken down as follows: $10.00 to 1st place and $5.00 to 2nd place and $5.00 Lunker.
Optional Dues: $20.00 for the end of the year T.O.C. in which you must qualify (see bylaw 20). $10.00 Lunker Pool.
Current members catch cannot count for lunker until lunker pool is paid.
New members can join lunker pool but must pay before their first tournament.
All Dues (annual or optional) must be paid prior to the April meeting. Any person paying after the March meeting is subject to a $25.00 late fee.
2.There shall be a closed membership on active members when membership reaches 20 persons.
3. All voting for new members will be done at a regular club meeting.
4. Invited guests will be permitted to fish only with a club member. Guests may only fish 3 tournaments in any one season. Invited guests are considered social guests of current members for the purpose of recreational fishing of experiencing the CBA tournament organization for the future consideration. Current members bringing a guest for the sole purpose of financial gain is frowned upon. The board reserves the right to refuse any guest at any time.
5. All tournaments will start at times per permits as scheduled. This does not preclude a participant from starting late, so long as they pay the entry fee and have their livewell checked by a board member prior to their start. Note: When circumstances dictate, the ending time of any tournament may be extended if unanimously approved by the participants in the tournament and within permit.
A) Any team, boat or person failing to comply with the specific ending time of any tournament WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THAT DAY’S TOURNAMENT, COMMON SENSE WILL PREVAIL. However, that day’s tournament fee will not be refunded and remain in the tournament pool.
B) The exception to refunding entry fees would occur if the majority of the participates elect to quit for the day due to inclement weather/adverse conditions.
C) See Tournament Rules Adopted 2015 for further clarification
6. Upon mutual agreement between persons, boat or team, the award money can be split.
7. Anyone fishing from a participant’s boat during the course of any tournament will be required to pay the daily tournament fee.
A) No boat will have more than 2 persons on board during the course of a tournament unless an emergency is deemed by at least 2 board members.
B) Only Largemouth and Smallmouth bass of legal length will be accepted at the weigh-in. The weighmaster will measure the smallest fish of each participant (or team) in every tournament. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that the fish he/she brings to scale are of legal size. Should a fish be brought to scale deemed less than legal length by the official weighmaster, the catch of that participant (or team) will be disqualified.
C) An official keeper-counter, kept by the weighmaster, will be available to all participants at the weigh-in site, for the purpose of checking a fish of questionable length (closed mouth to open tail). Remember you can only possess what the state allows.
D) The weighmaster and the assistant weighmaster are the only people allowed to weigh fish. Each participant will be required to empty their bag into a basket and the weighmaster will handle the fish to the scale. After the contestants’ fish have been weighed, the assistant weighmaster will return the fish to the basket for the participant to release the fish.
E) Only artificial baits may be used during the course of a tournament. No live or prepared baits are permitted, with the exception of pork strips, rinds, etc.. The use of live or prepared baits other than those specified will constitute grounds for disqualification. No artificial or natural chum is permitted.
F) All fish caught, which are brought to the scales, must be kept in an aerated live well.
G) A 4oz. penalty will be assessed for each dead fish brought to the scale. The total penalty will be deducted from the participants days catch.
H) There will be no culling of a dead fish. A fish will be deemed dead after a reasonable period of resuscitation or the fish cannot swim away on its own power.
I) Clean up at the ramp site will be done at the conclusion of the weigh-in. All live wells are to be thoroughly cleaned with a vinegar and water solution before the next tournament.
8. The greatest total weight of the participants catch will determine 1st Place and the second greatest weight will determine 2nd Place. Prize money will be split 70/30% respectively. For guests and associates that fish a tournament, any payouts will be based only on the funds derived from full members that are present for that tournament.
A) An additional $5.00 per tournament must be collected from every individual participant before the official start of the event. The two members that are to launch last (who also call flights that day) are to collect/hold/ and pay out all lunker monies at the conclusion of the tournament.
9. The following system will be used to determine the awards standings for the end of the year:
A) The weight of each members catch for the year (based on cumulative total weight of fish caught) will determine each member’s place in the final standings.
B) Only the weight recorded for the participants best 9 out of 12 tournaments will be used to total cumulative weight.
C) Ties in the standings for an official tournament and for the end of the year standings will be resolved in the following fashion:
1. First tie breaker will be the number of fish caught.
2. Second tie breaker will be the largest fish caught.
10. There will be 12 official tournaments each year.
11. Awards at the end of the year will consist of:
A) Lunker Award
B) 1st Place
C) 2nd Place
D) 3rd Place
12. There will be an annual meeting held on Super Bowl Sunday of each year at 1:00 P.M. Each year at the annual meeting, a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will be voted on. A member can run for and be elected to an office for as many successive terms as he/she wishes. The 3 board members will be for a period of 2years, at which an election of board members will be held.
13. Regular club meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month from March until November. Special meetings may be held as necessary.
14. The clubs rules committee will consist of the 7 officials, both executive and board members.
A) Any changes in the club’s rules / bylaws will be voted upon by the entire rules committee. If the changes proposed by the body at the annual meeting and only if 75% of the attending body feels that the changes are needed.
15. Any member caught cheating during the course of any tournament will be dismissed from the club without refunding any dues.
16. All participants, without exception, will launch from the designated launch site. This site will also be the weigh-in site. (Special exception can be granted on a case-by-case basis per 75% positive vote at the previous meeting to the tournament and is only active for that tournament in question).
17. Should the club be dissolved; all treasury monies will be distributed equally among all active members.
18. Tournament fees are: Pay as you go the day of the tournament. $20
19. All fishing licenses must be shown to the rules chairman and recorded by the secretary prior to the April meeting.
20. The Coventry Bass Anglers Annual Fish Off (TOC) Rules are:
A) An eligible contender is defined as an active member that has paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
B) An ineligible contender is defined as a full member that has not paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
C) An eligible contender must first fish at least 6 club tournaments to be considered to fish the TOC throughout the following criteria explained in 20-D and 20-E.
D) An automatic bid to the TOC is awarded to an eligible contender if they should win any scheduled point tournament throughout the current year.
E) A field of 12 is selected from the automatic bids, all of the other anglers who are eligible contenders from 1st Place on down the full field of 12. If an odd number of anglers exists, the tournament will be 5 fish per boat and odd man fishes alone on boat.
F) In the event that an ineligible contender happens to win a point tournament, the automatic bid into the TOC from that particular tournament will be selected from the first eligible that places after any ineligible contender.
G) There will be 6 teams with 6 boaters / 6 riders. Partners will be chosen in the following manner. Angler in 1st Place will pick by blind draw from anglers 7th—12th, 2nd Place angler will pick from blind draw of remaining 7th—12th anglers and so on until 6 teams are created.
Coventry Bass Anglers Tournament Rules
All rules currently in CBA apply to all club tournaments.
There are no off limits for prefishing before club tournaments.
Livewells: all boats must have an aerated livewell system capable of supporting 10 fish.
Registration: Each angler must check in before start time and have inspection of livewells / boat by tournament official. No boat will launch until inspection is complete. 1 warning per year granted for early launch. After that angler is disqualified from current tournament.
Boats must comply with all RI Laws and use of a wearable flotation device (life jacket) while motor is running is required during tournament fishing hours.
Sportsmanship: All CBA members and their guests are expected to exhibit high standards of sportsmanship at all times before, during and after the tournament.
Tackle & Equipment: Only artificial lures may be used with the exception of prepared pork rinds. Only one line may be in the water at one time per angler for the purpose of catching fish. Trolling is NOT allowed and will disqualify an angler.
Scoring: Tournament standings will be based on the total weight of legal (12”) size largemouth & smallmouth bass not to exceed 5 fish per angler. Altering any fish by any means will disqualify an angler or teams’ entire catch. In case of a tie, the first tie breaker is # of fish caught the second is biggest fish. A courtesy measurement must be requested before fish is measured and the only one per weigh-in. The smallest fish and any questionable fish will be measured from every catch. The “The Golden Rule” will be the official measuring device. Mouth closed and tail fanned as needed is measurement method to be used.
Penalties: Late arrivals back to the weigh-in site will result in disqualification of boats entire catch. (Common sense will prevail and tournament committee discretion is replied upon) Exceptions will be made for mechanical breakdown providing all efforts have been made to be on time. Notify tournament official of any mechanical problems prior to late arrival if possible. Exceptions made at tournament committees’ discretion.
The tournament committee will consist of 4 of the following in order listed as available. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Weighmaster, Assistant Weighmaster. In the event a member of the Tournament committee is the subject of the discussion at hand he will be recused from his role on the committee for this decision. Any member of the board can and will check livewells / boat before launch. Members cannot check their own boats or a boat that they will be fishing from.
Dead fish will have a penalty of 1/4lb. (.25lb.) per fish. Lunker must be alive during weigh-in to be considered for lunker awards.
Flights: All boats must completely pass the take-off boat in the flight order assigned to begin their tournament competition. If problem arises with this procedure (i.e.: not remembering flight #) the boat must notify flight boat of problem and wait within 50ft. of take-off boat until all boats and the take-off boat has departed before fishing or getting under way begins. Failure to pass flight boat or adhere to flight rules will result in disqualification of the boats entire catch.
Any exceptions to tournament rules must be discussed and then voted on at the meeting prior to the tournament in question and be a majority vote of the members in attendance of that meeting. Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis and good only for the tournament in question. Any exceptions will be announced within 3 days of the vote via email.
2021 Coventry Bass Anglers By-Laws
1. The dues for all active members 16 years and older shall be $70.00(dues), $20(TOC), $10(Lunker) Totaling $100.00 annually. A member of the club wishing to bring a new member in to the club must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 1 year.
New members: New members completed paper applications will be presented to the body of returning members for consideration at the annual meeting by their existing club sponsor (only current club members will attend the annual club meeting) (existing club member in good standing for at least 1 year). Sponsor will offer his reason for sponsoring this new potential member and bring potential member to the next regular meeting for consideration and a vote to become a new member. All new members will be considered provisional members for the first year and then invited to return (by letter or email) as a full member the next year after receiving a 75% positive vote by the body of full members. (The vote will be a closed ballot and verified by the board for accuracy). (To take effect 02-01-2021)
Associate Member: $35.00 annual fee to fish only the point tournaments. All associates must be voted in by majority and will have no voting privileges. Associates must fish either with an active member or alone on their own boat. The club reserves the right to refuse membership. Associate membership is capped at 6 per year. Active members shall take president over associates on tournament participation. Associate members (unless returning former member or family member of an active member) may fish in the club for a one-year trial. After which, the associate member must decide to either join the club as a full member for the following year or withdraw club membership. An associate member or a guest will pay $20.00 fee per tournament fished. The proceeds of which are broken down as follows: $10.00 to 1st place and $5.00 to 2nd place and $5.00 Lunker.
Optional Dues: $20.00 for the end of the year T.O.C. in which you must qualify (see bylaw 20). $10.00 Lunker Pool.
Current members catch cannot count for lunker until lunker pool is paid.
New members can join lunker pool but must pay before their first tournament.
All Dues (annual or optional) must be paid prior to the April meeting. Any person paying after the March meeting is subject to a $25.00 late fee.
2.There shall be a closed membership on active members when membership reaches 20 persons.
3. All voting for new members will be done at a regular club meeting.
4. Invited guests will be permitted to fish only with a club member. Guests may only fish 3 tournaments in any one season. Invited guests are considered social guests of current members for the purpose of recreational fishing of experiencing the CBA tournament organization for the future consideration. Current members bringing a guest for the sole purpose of financial gain is frowned upon. The board reserves the right to refuse any guest at any time.
5. All tournaments will start at times per permits as scheduled. This does not preclude a participant from starting late, so long as they pay the entry fee and have their livewell checked by a board member prior to their start. Note: When circumstances dictate, the ending time of any tournament may be extended if unanimously approved by the participants in the tournament and within permit.
A) Any team, boat or person failing to comply with the specific ending time of any tournament WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THAT DAY’S TOURNAMENT, COMMON SENSE WILL PREVAIL. However, that day’s tournament fee will not be refunded and remain in the tournament pool.
B) The exception to refunding entry fees would occur if the majority of the participates elect to quit for the day due to inclement weather/adverse conditions.
C) See Tournament Rules Adopted 2015 for further clarification
6. Upon mutual agreement between persons, boat or team, the award money can be split.
7. Anyone fishing from a participant’s boat during the course of any tournament will be required to pay the daily tournament fee.
A) No boat will have more than 2 persons on board during the course of a tournament unless an emergency is deemed by at least 2 board members.
B) Only Largemouth and Smallmouth bass of legal length will be accepted at the weigh-in. The weighmaster will measure the smallest fish of each participant (or team) in every tournament. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that the fish he/she brings to scale are of legal size. Should a fish be brought to scale deemed less than legal length by the official weighmaster, the catch of that participant (or team) will be disqualified.
C) An official keeper-counter, kept by the weighmaster, will be available to all participants at the weigh-in site, for the purpose of checking a fish of questionable length (closed mouth to open tail). Remember you can only possess what the state allows.
D) The weighmaster and the assistant weighmaster are the only people allowed to weigh fish. Each participant will be required to empty their bag into a basket and the weighmaster will handle the fish to the scale. After the contestants’ fish have been weighed, the assistant weighmaster will return the fish to the basket for the participant to release the fish.
E) Only artificial baits may be used during the course of a tournament. No live or prepared baits are permitted, with the exception of pork strips, rinds, etc.. The use of live or prepared baits other than those specified will constitute grounds for disqualification. No artificial or natural chum is permitted.
F) All fish caught, which are brought to the scales, must be kept in an aerated live well.
G) A 4oz. penalty will be assessed for each dead fish brought to the scale. The total penalty will be deducted from the participants days catch.
H) There will be no culling of a dead fish. A fish will be deemed dead after a reasonable period of resuscitation or the fish cannot swim away on its own power.
I) Clean up at the ramp site will be done at the conclusion of the weigh-in. All live wells are to be thoroughly cleaned with a vinegar and water solution before the next tournament.
8. The greatest total weight of the participants catch will determine 1st Place and the second greatest weight will determine 2nd Place. Prize money will be split 70/30% respectively. For guests and associates that fish a tournament, any payouts will be based only on the funds derived from full members that are present for that tournament.
A) An additional $5.00 per tournament must be collected from every individual participant before the official start of the event. The two members that are to launch last (who also call flights that day) are to collect/hold/ and pay out all lunker monies at the conclusion of the tournament.
9. The following system will be used to determine the awards standings for the end of the year:
A) The weight of each members catch for the year (based on cumulative total weight of fish caught) will determine each member’s place in the final standings.
B) Only the weight recorded for the participants best 9 out of 12 tournaments will be used to total cumulative weight.
C) Ties in the standings for an official tournament and for the end of the year standings will be resolved in the following fashion:
1. First tie breaker will be the number of fish caught.
2. Second tie breaker will be the largest fish caught.
10. There will be 12 official tournaments each year.
11. Awards at the end of the year will consist of:
A) Lunker Award
B) 1st Place
C) 2nd Place
D) 3rd Place
12. There will be an annual meeting held on Super Bowl Sunday of each year at 1:00 P.M. Each year at the annual meeting, a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will be voted on. A member can run for and be elected to an office for as many successive terms as he/she wishes. The 3 board members will be for a period of 2years, at which an election of board members will be held.
13. Regular club meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month from March until November. Special meetings may be held as necessary.
14. The clubs rules committee will consist of the 7 officials, both executive and board members.
A) Any changes in the club’s rules / bylaws will be voted upon by the entire rules committee. If the changes proposed by the body at the annual meeting and only if 75% of the attending body feels that the changes are needed.
15. Any member caught cheating during the course of any tournament will be dismissed from the club without refunding any dues.
16. All participants, without exception, will launch from the designated launch site. This site will also be the weigh-in site. (Special exception can be granted on a case-by-case basis per 75% positive vote at the previous meeting to the tournament and is only active for that tournament in question).
17. Should the club be dissolved; all treasury monies will be distributed equally among all active members.
18. Tournament fees are: Pay as you go the day of the tournament. $20
19. All fishing licenses must be shown to the rules chairman and recorded by the secretary prior to the April meeting.
20. The Coventry Bass Anglers Annual Fish Off (TOC) Rules are:
A) An eligible contender is defined as an active member that has paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
B) An ineligible contender is defined as a full member that has not paid the TOC entry fee of $20.00 before the first tournament of the year.
C) An eligible contender must first fish at least 6 club tournaments to be considered to fish the TOC throughout the following criteria explained in 20-D and 20-E.
D) An automatic bid to the TOC is awarded to an eligible contender if they should win any scheduled point tournament throughout the current year.
E) A field of 12 is selected from the automatic bids, all of the other anglers who are eligible contenders from 1st Place on down the full field of 12. If an odd number of anglers exists, the tournament will be 5 fish per boat and odd man fishes alone on boat.
F) In the event that an ineligible contender happens to win a point tournament, the automatic bid into the TOC from that particular tournament will be selected from the first eligible that places after any ineligible contender.
G) There will be 6 teams with 6 boaters / 6 riders. Partners will be chosen in the following manner. Angler in 1st Place will pick by blind draw from anglers 7th—12th, 2nd Place angler will pick from blind draw of remaining 7th—12th anglers and so on until 6 teams are created.
Coventry Bass Anglers Tournament Rules
All rules currently in CBA apply to all club tournaments.
There are no off limits for prefishing before club tournaments.
Livewells: all boats must have an aerated livewell system capable of supporting 10 fish.
Registration: Each angler must check in before start time and have inspection of livewells / boat by tournament official. No boat will launch until inspection is complete. 1 warning per year granted for early launch. After that angler is disqualified from current tournament.
Boats must comply with all RI Laws and use of a wearable flotation device (life jacket) while motor is running is required during tournament fishing hours.
Sportsmanship: All CBA members and their guests are expected to exhibit high standards of sportsmanship at all times before, during and after the tournament.
Tackle & Equipment: Only artificial lures may be used with the exception of prepared pork rinds. Only one line may be in the water at one time per angler for the purpose of catching fish. Trolling is NOT allowed and will disqualify an angler.
Scoring: Tournament standings will be based on the total weight of legal (12”) size largemouth & smallmouth bass not to exceed 5 fish per angler. Altering any fish by any means will disqualify an angler or teams’ entire catch. In case of a tie, the first tie breaker is # of fish caught the second is biggest fish. A courtesy measurement must be requested before fish is measured and the only one per weigh-in. The smallest fish and any questionable fish will be measured from every catch. The “The Golden Rule” will be the official measuring device. Mouth closed and tail fanned as needed is measurement method to be used.
Penalties: Late arrivals back to the weigh-in site will result in disqualification of boats entire catch. (Common sense will prevail and tournament committee discretion is replied upon) Exceptions will be made for mechanical breakdown providing all efforts have been made to be on time. Notify tournament official of any mechanical problems prior to late arrival if possible. Exceptions made at tournament committees’ discretion.
The tournament committee will consist of 4 of the following in order listed as available. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Weighmaster, Assistant Weighmaster. In the event a member of the Tournament committee is the subject of the discussion at hand he will be recused from his role on the committee for this decision. Any member of the board can and will check livewells / boat before launch. Members cannot check their own boats or a boat that they will be fishing from.
Dead fish will have a penalty of 1/4lb. (.25lb.) per fish. Lunker must be alive during weigh-in to be considered for lunker awards.
Flights: All boats must completely pass the take-off boat in the flight order assigned to begin their tournament competition. If problem arises with this procedure (i.e.: not remembering flight #) the boat must notify flight boat of problem and wait within 50ft. of take-off boat until all boats and the take-off boat has departed before fishing or getting under way begins. Failure to pass flight boat or adhere to flight rules will result in disqualification of the boats entire catch.
Any exceptions to tournament rules must be discussed and then voted on at the meeting prior to the tournament in question and be a majority vote of the members in attendance of that meeting. Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis and good only for the tournament in question. Any exceptions will be announced within 3 days of the vote via email.